samedi 27 avril 2013

Le Serment du Chaos

I love Dark Souls. Actually I adore it. Not only imo it's on this gen best games top 3, but I think it's also one of the greatest piece of art all-categories ever.

Maybe I'll spare a few hours writing down why on this blog, meanwhile I did this visual as an hommage to the daughter of chaos'Quelaan, one of the several fanarts I thought about these days.

It's designed to be on the back of a hoody so I could represent my crew, the chaos servants, and also in kind of a poetic way take Quelaan out for a walk sometimes, instead of letting her rust alone in the depths of Quelaag's Domain (^^)

Actually I did my first playthough as a Knight worshiping the 'Way of White'. I changed for the 'Princess'Guard' in Anor Londo as I was bewitched by Gwynevere. But now that I have discovered all of the 9 covenants on my 2nd playthrough if think I'd kneel to the Chaos one if I had to pick.
I was just so moved by this ill, cursed, fragile character when I discovered it. Her design, her story, the music in her nest, those eggmen worshiping her. That was pure art right there, one of the great moment DkS is made out of.
The guilt you feel when you realize you just killed her sister who were her only link with the world, lefting her alone, blind and ill in the I said it's kind of my way to make it back to her ^^

And also an important thing : as she doesn't speak so she doesn't bullshit you, as most of the NPC in this game do.

Anyway, at first I wanted to get it print on a black hoody, I also have a grey one so I made a grey version, I might save it for some Sif's fanart I've been sketching lately. But I kinda like the white version, so I might buy a white one idk.

close-up variation

mardi 23 avril 2013

Deux Courtisanes

Reprise libre de l'oeuvre d'Hokusai

vendredi 19 avril 2013

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